Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
No, the money in the child's account can only be used for the student child.
We would love for you to!!! Just check with your child's teacher to see when their lunch time is, or see the schedule below. Please avoid bringing in outside food from fast food restaurants and sodas. We also ask that you wait at least 2 weeks after school starts to help with seperations issues and getting adjusted to a new schedule.
To apply for free/reduced lunch, you must fill out an application. Applications are sent home with every student at the beginning of the school year. If you find you need one later in the year, ask your child's teacher or pick up one in the office. Once the application has been turned in, you will receive a letter a few weeks after in the mail that tells you what assistance you qualify for. You can also find a link on this webpage at the bottom to fill it out online.
Our cafeteria manager is Kenneva Hurt. You can contact her via email using the staff page or you can call the school at 381-4979.
When your child goes over their account balance a "charge" letter will be sent home indicating the money owed. Make sure you check your child's folder/backpack daily for all information regarding school. You can also sign up to receive email notifications through Meal Pay Plus when you balance gets low or negative.
If your child charges too much money to their lunch account, they will be served a snack lunch. Please make sure you keep your child's lunch account balance above zero!! A snack lunch consists of a cheese sandwich and milk.
Fayette County schools use MySchoolBucks to manage student lunch accounts. If you would like to add money to your child's account or check their balance, this is a great and fast way to do it. You will need your child's student ID number. You can obtain this number by talking to the office secretary or the cafeteria manager. Link provided on this page.
You can also send a check/money in with your child but please note it is the students responsibility to make sure the money gets to the cafeteria. Sometimes parents come to eat with their child and add money then.